Process equipment:
- NI PCI-6221, NI PCI-6024E, and NI PCI-6014 multifunction data acquisition boards,
- NI PCI-6601 timing and digital I/O boards,
- NI FieldPoint - modular distributed I/O system with Ethernet communication interface,
- 5 industrial loop controllers Siemens SIPART DR 24,
- 6 programmable logic controllers (PLC) Siemens S7-1200,
- 8 programmable logic controllers (PLC) Mitsubishi Electric, PLC network,
- programmable logic controller Siemens S7 412-1 with MAC E-300 control panel,
- PLC controlled modular production line,
- 17 laboratory plants for educational and research purposes,
- some other teaching equipment,
- Laboratory pilot plant with industrial scale process equipment,
- analog parallel processor EAI-2000 and EAI-580
- PoLabs USB and Ethernet IO interfaces and motion controllers with built-in PLCs (PoKeys57U).
Seznam raziskovalne opreme, katere nakup je sofinancirala ARRS (List of research equipment (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency):