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Full Professor Lecturing: Electrical and mechanical circuits, Modelling and simulation, Modelling of processes, Multivariable systems, Selected topics of control theory, Selected topics of complex systems (Postgraduate study) E-mail: maja[dot]atanasijevic[at]fe[dot]uni-lj[dot]si
She received B.Sc. (1981), M. Sc. (1984) and Ph. D. (1997) degrees from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia where she is currently associate professor. Her research interests include modelling and simulation of dynamical systems and control systems analysis and design, specially of MIMO-systems.
Selected references:
- V. Logar, R. Karba, M. Papić, M. Atanasijević-Kunc. Artificial and real laboratory environment in an e-learning competition. Mathematics and computers in simulation, str. 1-8, 2011.
- M. Atanasijević-Kunc, V. Logar, R. Karba, M. Papić, A. Kos. Remote multivariable control design using a competition game. IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 54, No. 1 pp. 97-103, 2011.
- M. Atanasijević-Kunc, J. Drinovec, S. Ručigaj, A. Mrhar. Modeling the influence of risk factors and chronic diseases on the development of strokes and peripheral arterial-vascular disease. Simulation modelling practice and theory, 2008, vol. 16, no. 8, str. 998 -1013, doi: DOI:10.1016/j.simpat.2008.03.008. [COBISS.SI-ID 2283633], 2008.
- M. Atanasijević-Kunc, J. Drinovec, S. Ručigaj, A. Mrhar. Modelling of the risk factors and chronic diseases that influence the development of serious health complications (Modeliranje dejavnikov tveganja in kroničnih bolezni, ki vplivajo na razvoj hujših zdravstvenih zapletov). Zdrav Vestn (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], 2008, letn. 77, št. 8, str. 487-498. [COBISS.SI-ID 24724697], 2008.
- M. Atanasijević-Kunc, J. Drinovec, A. Mrhar. Modeliranje in simulacija ter njuna uporaba v medicini in farmaciji, (Usage of modelling and simulation in medicine and pharmacy). Zdrav Vestn (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], 2008, letn. 77, št. 1, str. 57-71. [COBISS.SI-ID 23807961], 2008.
- M. Atanasijević-Kunc, V. Kunc, J. Diaci, R. Karba. Modelling and analysis of a combined electronic and micro-mechanical system. Stroj. vestn., 2008, letn. 54, št. 7/8, str. 539-546. [COBISS.SI-ID 10603547], 2008.
- V. Kunc, M. Atanasijević-Kunc, A. Vodopivec. Method and circuit provided for measuring very low intensity of electric current. patent št. EP 1794599 B1 2008-05-21, datum objave 21. 5. 2008. Ljubljana: Ptentni urad RS za intelektualno lastnino, 2008. [COBISS.SI-ID 6486868], 2008.
- M. Atanasijević-Kunc, V. Kunc. Automatically adjustable supply system (Avtomatsko nastavljivi napajalni system). Inf. MIDEM, mar. 2007, letn. 37, št. 1, str. 12-15, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 6226004], 2007.
- R. Karba, M. Atanasijević-Kunc, A. Belič, J. Kocijan, J. Petrovčič. Vloga senzorjev v sistemih vodenja procesov. Inf. MIDEM, letn. 33, št. 1, pp. 41-44, 2003.
- V. Kunc, M. Atanasijević-Kunc. Automatic gain adjustment in contactless communication systems. Inf. MIDEM, letn. 33, št. 2, pp. 115-117, 2003.
- M. Atanasijević-Kunc, V. Kunc, J. Diaci, J. Trontelj, R. Karba. Analysis and design of combined electronic and micro-mechanical system through modelling and simulation. Inf. MIDEM, letn. 33, št. 3, pp. 136-141, 2003.
- M. Atanasijević - Kunc, R. Karba, B. Zupančič. Multipupose modelling in the evaluation of laboratory pilot plant. Simulation Practice and Theory, International Journal of the Federation of European Simulation Societies, 5, (1997), Elsevier, ISSN 0928-4869, pp.751-776, 1997.
- B.Zupančič, R.Karba, D.Matko, M.Atanasijević-Kunc. Educational Aspects of CAD Supported Real Time Control. IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 36, No. 3, August 1993, pp. 340-347, 1993.
- V. Kunc, A. Štern, A. Vodopivec, M. Atanasijević-Kunc. Postopek in vezje za hitro znižanje napetosti enosmerne komponente in nizkofrekvenčnih komponent na izhodu mešalnega vezja v sprejemniku UHF oddajno-sprejemne enote. patent št. 22727, datum objave 31. 8. 2009 : številka prijave P 2008 0 0033, datum vložitve 13. 2. 2008. Ljubljana: Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino, 2009. [COBISS.SI-ID 7244372], 2009.
- V. Kunc, A. Vodopivec, M. Atanasijević-Kunc, A. Štern. Postopek in vezje za zmanjšanje šuma v sprejetem signalu v izpraševalniku brezkontaktnih kartic. patent št. 22435, datum reg. 30. 6. 2008 : številka prijave P-200600298, datum prijave 29. 12. 2006. Ljubljana: Ptentni urad RS za intelektualno lastnino, 2008. [COBISS.SI-ID 6943828], 2008.
- V. Kunc, M. Atanasijević-Kunc, A. Vodopivec. Postopek za reguliranje napajalne napetosti. patent št. 22181 : datum objave 30. 6. 2007 : številka prijave P-200500319; datum vložitve prijave 22. 11. 2005. Ljubljana: Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino, 2007. [COBISS.SI-ID 6186324], 2007.
- M. Atanasijević-Kunc, A. Belič, R. Karba. Optimal multivariable control design using genetic algorithms. EUROSIM simul. news Eur., Dec. 2007, vol. 17, no. 3/4, str. 41-45, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 6939476], 2007.
- M. Atanasijević-Kunc, R. Karba. Multivariable control design with expert-aided support. WSEAS Trans. Syst., Oct. 2006, vol. 5, iss. 10, str. 2299-2306, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 5373268], 2006.
- A. Knoll, M. Atanasijević-Kunc, R. Karba. Modelling of temperature conditions in sterilisation tunnel. EUROSIM simul. news Eur., Aug. 2006, vol. 16, no. 1, str. 3-8, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 5688404], 2006.
- Karba, R., A. Belič, M. Klopčič, I. Škrjanc, I. Belič, A. Mrhar, I. Grabnar, S. Milanič, M. Atanasijević-Kunc. Some Artificial Intelligence and Control Approaches to Pharmacokinetic - Pharmacodynamic Modelling. SAMS, Vol. 35, pp. 75-85, 1999.
- M. Atanasijevic-Kunc, R. Karba, F. Bremsak. Multivariable Decoupling Compensator for Tank - Level Control. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, CIT 2, 1994, 4, pp. 327-333, 1994.
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