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Prof. dr. Drago MATKO

Prof. dr. Drago MATKO
Merit professor
Lecturing: Discrete control systems, Identification, Computer control of processes, Computer aided design, Complex control systems (Postgraduate study), Modelling and identification (Postgraduate study)

E-mail: drago[dot]matko[at]fe[dot]uni-lj[dot]si
Tel: +386 (0)1 4768-252

B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. in electrical engineering in 1971, 1973 and 1977 respectively, from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia for work in the field of Adaptive control systems. I visited the Institute for Control Engineering Darmstadt, Germany several times, from 1980-82, 1984, 85 and 86 as a Humboldt fellow, from 1987-91 in the frame of the project Adaptive control systems sponsored by International Bureau KFA Jülich. I wisited the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science in Sagamihara Kanagawa, Japan as Foreign Research Fellow for 9 month in 1995-96 and for 6 month in 2003-04 . I have published 47 journal articles, more than 200 conference papers and four student edition books (in Slovene) and am also coauthor of two books published by Prentice Hall. I received the award of Slovenian ministry for research and technology for the work in the field of computer aided design of control systems in 1989 and Zois award for achievements in science in 2003.

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