Selected laboratory references for year 2016
- JUHANT, Rok, KNEZ, Jure, BLAŽIČ, Sašo. Analysis of high dynamic car manoeuvres using two types of lever-arm correction. International journal of automotive technology, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 245-253.
- ANDONOVSKI, Goran, ANGELOV, Plamen, BLAŽIČ, Sašo, ŠKRJANC. A practical implementation of Robust Evolving Cloud-based Controller with normalized data space for heat-exchanger plant. Applied soft computing, vol. 48, pp. 29-38.
- V. Logar, A. Fathi, I. Škrjanc. A computational model for heat transfer coefficient estimation in electric arc furnace. Steel Research International, Vol. 87, No. 3, pp. 330-338.
- Goran Andonovski, Gašper Mušič, Sašo Blažič, Igor Škrjanc. On-line Evolving Cloud-based Model Identification for Production Control. IFAC-PapersOnLine 49-5 (2016) 079–084.
- Matevž Bošnak, Igor Škrjanc. Embedded Control System for Smart Walking Assistance Device. IEEE Trans. On neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 1534-4320 2016.
- Nikolaus Euler-Rolle, Igor Škrjanc, Christoph Hametner, Stefan Jakubek. Automated generation of feedforward contro lusing feedback linearization oflocalmodelnetworks. Engineering ApplicationsofArtificial Intelligence50(2016)320–330.
- Dejan Dovzan, Vito Logar, Igor Skrjanc. Evolving Fuzzy Model (eFuMo) Method for On-line Fuzzy Model Learning with Application to Monitoring System. Simul. Notes Eur. 26(4): 205-220 (2016).
- Goran Andonovski, Gasper Music, Saso Blazic, Igor Skrjanc. Evolving fuzzy model based performance identification for production control. EAIS 2016: 85-91.
- Dejan Dovzan, Igor Skrjanc. Evolving fuzzy model for short-term prediction of energy consumption profiles. EAIS 2016: 98-102.
- Goran Andonovski, Antonio Bayas, Doris Sáez, Saso Blazic, Igor Skrjanc. Robust evolving cloud-based control for the distributed solar collector field. FUZZ-IEEE 2016: 1570-1577.
- Saso Blazic, Igor Skrjanc. Problems of Identification of Cloud-Based Fuzzy Evolving Systems. ICAISC (1) 2016: 173-18.
- Gorazd Karer, Igor Škrjanc. Interval-model-based global optimization framework for robuststability and performance of PID controllers. Applied Soft Computing.
- Simon Tomažič. Lokalizacija v notranjem okolju z uporabo pametnega telefona. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko.
- Gregor Černe. Kratkoročno napovedovanje porabe električne energije z uporabo mehkih TakagiSugeno modelov. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko.
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