Selected laboratory references for year 2009
- Klančar, G., D. Matko, S. Blažič. Wheeled Mobile Robots Control in a Linear Platoon. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, vol 54, no. 5, pp. 709 - 731.
- A. Belič, I. Škrjanc, D. Zupančič-Božič, R. Karba, F. Vrečer. Minimisation of the capping tendency by tableting process optimisation with the application of artificial neural networks and fuzzy models. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, vol 73, no. 1, pp. 172-178.
- Gorazd Karer, Gašper Mušič, Igor Škrjanc, Borut Zupančič. Self-Adaptive Predictive Functional Control of Temperature in an Exothermic Batch Reactor. AUTOMATIKA: Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, Vol. 50, No. 1–2, 2009, str. 7–16..
- Zorzut, S., D. Gradišar, V. Jovan and G. Mušič. Use of a procedural model in the design of production control for a polymerization plant. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 44, Iss. 11, pp. 1051-1062.
- Blažič, S., I. Škrjanc, S. Gerkšič, G. Dolanc, S. Strmčnik, M. Hadjiski, A. Stathaki. Online fuzzy identification for an intelligent controller based on a simple platform. Eng. appl. artif. intell., Vol. 22, No. 4/5, pp. 628-638.
- Zorzut, S., V. Jovan, D. Gradišar and G. Mušič. Closed-loop control of a polymerisation plant using production performance indicators (PIs). International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 22, No. 12, pp. 1128-1143.
- A. Belič. Modelling in systems biology, neurology and pharmacy. Math. comput. model. dyn. syst. vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 479-491.
- Sodja, A, B. Zupančič. Modelling thermal processes in buildings using an object-oriented approach and Modelica. Simulation modelling practice and theory, Jul. 2009, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1143-1159.
- A. Belič, I. Škrjanc, D. Zupančič-Božič, F. Vrečer. Tableting process optimisation with the application of fuzzy models. International Journal of Pharmaceutics vol. 389 no. 1/2, pp..
- A. Belič, M. Temesvari, K. Kohalmy, R. Vrzal, Z. Dvorak, D. Rozman, K. Monostory. Investigation of the CYP2C9 induction profile in human hepatocytes by combining experimental and modelling approaches. Current Drug Metabolism, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 1066-1074.
- Igor Škrjanc. Confidence interval of fuzzy models: An example using a waste-water treatment plant. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 96 (2009) 182–187.
- Simon Oblak, Igor Škrjanc. Continuous-time Wiener-model predictive control of a pH process based on a PWL approximation. Chemical Engineering Science.
- Benjamin Hartmann, Oliver Nelles, Igor Skrjanc, Anton Sodja. SUpervised HIerarchical CLUSTering (SUHICLUST) for nonlinear system identification. CICA 2009: 41-48.
- Dejan Dovzan, Borut Zupancic, Gorazd Karer, Igor Skrjanc. Multi-Domain Modelling - An Advantage In Modelling, Simulation And Control Education. ECMS 2009: 606-612.
- Alfredo Núnez, Doris Sáez, Simon Oblak, Igor Škrjanc. Fuzzy-model-based hybrid predictive control. ISA Transactions 48 (2009) 24-31.
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