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Multiagent set consisting of a group of mobile robots

Multiagent set consisting of a group of mobile robots

Each robot measures 7.5 × 7.5 × 7.5 cm and weighs 0.6 kg.  
It contains a C167 microcontroller running at a 20 MHz clock, a 12 V battery supply, two powerful DC motors equipped with incremental encoders (512 pulses per revolution), and a gear reduction head.  
Robots can be used to design multiagent systems where group of robots solve some task like coordinated motion or big object manipulation, environment inspection and the like. One of such demonstration application is also robot soccer which has shown to be a very popular research game and has served as a perfect example of multi-agent systems in the last few years.  
Dimenzije robotov so 7.5 × 7.5 × 7.5 cm in reža 0,6 kg. Vsebuje mikrokrmilnik C167 z 20MHz uro, 12V akumulatorsko napajanje, 2 zmogljiva DC motorja z inkrementalnimi enkoderji (512 PPR) in zobniškim prenosnim razmerjem.  
Roboti so lahko uporabljeni za izvedbo večagentnega sistema, kjer skupina robotov rešuje neko opravilo, na primer koordinirano gibanje v formaciji, manipulacija objektov, pregled okolice in podobno. Možna aplikacija tega sistema je tudi igra robotskega nogometa, ki se je pokazala za zelo popularno raziskovalno igro in dober učni poligon ter kot taka predstavlja dober primer večagentnega sistema.  
Contact: gregor.klancar(at)

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