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Pioneer 3 AT and Pioneer 2 Arm

Pioneer 3 AT and Pioneer 2 Arm

Pioneer 3-AT is four wheel drive robotic platform for outdoor or rough-terrain projects. It is equipped with different sensors such as: 8 forward and 8 rear sonar sense obstacles from 15 cm to 7 m, laser range scanner (SICK LMS 200), stereo camera, compass and incremental encoders for dead reckoning. Using this sensor set it can explore environment, localize its position in the environment and construct map of the environment.  
Pioneer 2 arm is an accessory for Pioneer 3AT robot. It is a relatively low-cost robot accessory for use in research and in the classroom. Driven by six open-loop servo motors, the five degrees-of-freedom (5-DOF) Pioneer Arm’s end-effector is a gripper whose foam-lined fingers allow for firm grasp and manipulation of objects as large as a soda can and as heavy as 150 grams throughout the arm’s envelope of operation.  
Pioneer 3-AT je štirikolesna robotska platform uporabna tudi za terensko delo. Opremljena je z različnimi senzorji: ultrazvočnimi senzorji razdalje  
(8 spredaj in 8 zadaj), ki zaznavajo ovire v območju 15cm do 7m, laserski pregledovalnik razdalj (SICK LMS 200), stereo kamero, kompasom in inkrementalnimi merilniki zasuka. Z naštetimi senzorji lahko zaznava in raziskuje okolico, se lokalizira v okolici in gradi zemljevid okolice.  
Robotska roka Pioneer 2 arm je dodatna oprema robota Pioneer 3AT. Je nizkocenovnega razreda in uporabna za študij in raziskovanje. Poganja jo 6 servomotorjev in ima 5 prostostnih stopenj. Opremljena je s prijemalom s penasto oblogo, ki lahko upravlja s predmeti do 150g teže.  
Contact: gregor.klancar(at)  
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