Drago Matko, Rihard Karba, Borut Zupančič Prentice Hall, 1992 |
This book presents the field of dynamic systems simulation and modelling in a way suitable for both skilled and unskilled users. The main emphasis is on the various cost-effective methods and tools for computer simulation of predominantly continuous systems. Simulation and modelling are treated as interdependent phases in the problem-solving process, and the material is presented and explained through the use of real-world case studies. Particularly suitable for use on undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in engineering and science, and for professional industrial engineers, this book includes:
- a comprehensive survey of existing simulation tools and their applications
- a unified approach to the simulation of differential and difference equations
- an explanation of digital simulation concepts and corresponding tools
- a discussion of the influence of software engineering and modern technology on simulation
- a wealth of case studies, examples, computer programs and simulation results.
Preverite dostopnost knjige v knjižnici FE in FRI.
O avtorju(ih):
Professor Drago Matko, Professor Rihard Karba and Assistant Professor Borut Zupančič have all had many years' experience in research and teaching simulation and modelling, and all lecture at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
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