Tutorials cover areas interesting for congress participants as well as for possible other audience. Here also exhibitors can participate with their software or hardware presentations. Tutorials will be organised in the first day and will be, according to the interest , repeated during the congress. They will last three hours including a break.
For organisers:
Proposals should be sent by email to the EUROSIM 2007 IPC chair. A tutorial proposal should clearly indicate the topic, background knowledge expected of the participants, objectives and the qualifications of the instructor(s).
Authors of the tutorials are kindly asked to send the camera ready paper according to the instructions for final papers in the Conference management system before the deadline for the final papers.
For participants:
Tutorials are free of charge.
Please register for tutorial(s) when register for the congress.
Sunday, Sept. 9, 2007
13-15.45 Lecture room P21
Håkan Lundvall, Jan Brugård: Introduction to Object-Oriented
Modeling and Simulation with
Modelica Using the OpenModelica Environment
13-15.45 Computer room LRNV
E. Kindler: Super-Object-Oriented Programming and Model Nesting
16-18.45 Computer room LRNV
Håkan Lundvall, Jan Brugård: Introduction to Object-Oriented
Modeling and Simulation with
Modelica Using the OpenModelica Environment
16-18.45 Lecture room P1
D. J. Murray Smith: Inverse Simulation Methods and Applications
Peter Fritzson (author)
Håkan Lundvall (presentor)
Linköping University
Programming Environment Laboratory (Pelab), Linköping Sweden
Jan Brugård (presentor)
MathCore Engineering AB, Linköping Sweden
Introduction to Object-Oriented
Modeling and Simulation with
Modelica Using the OpenModelica Environment
Abstract |

Prof. dr. Peter Fritzson
Biography |
David J. Murray-Smith,
University of Glasgow, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, UK
Inverse Simulation Methods and Application
Powerpoint presentation |

Prof. dr.David J. Murray-Smith
Biography |
Eugene Kindler
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Super-Object-Oriented Programming and Model Nesting
Abstract |

Prof. dr. Eugene Kindler
Biography |