Autonomous mobile robots navigation in unknown and dynamic indoor environments
Autonomous navigation of mobile robots in unknown and dynamic environment is a challenging research problem investigated by many research groups worldwide. In this presentation an overview will be given of the research activities on autonomous navigation of mobile robots at the Department of Control and Computer Engineering of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. Our approach to environment exploration and motion planning and localization of mobile robots in unknown and dynamic indoor environments will be presented in more details.
Professor Ivan Petrović is the Head of the Department of Control and Computer Engineering, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (http://www.fer.hr), University of Zagreb (http://www.unizg.hr), Croatia. He is also the Head of the Autonomous Mobile Robotics group (AMOR group, http://act.rasip.fer.hr/groups_amor.php). The group is the member of the European Robotics Research Network – EURON (http://www.euron.org). During more than 24 years of research work Prof. Petrović addressed various aspects of automatic control theory and its application. In last five years his research interest focus is set to advanced control and estimation techniques with their application in control and navigation of autonomous mobile robots and vehicles. He published his research achievements as author or co-author of 20 papers in scientific journals and more than 100 papers in proceedings of international conferences. He has actively participated as collaborator or principal investigator in more than twenty research and development projects, which were financially supported by Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia and industry. Currently, he is coordinating a major national robotics research program “Intelligent robotic systems and autonomous vehicles” (2006-2010), which involves 5 robotic research groups in Croatia. He has also participated as the leader from the Croatian side in a number of international research projects. Prof. Ivan Petrović is a member of the Croatian Society for Communications, Computing, Electronics, Measurements and Control (KoREMA) and collaborating member of the Croatian Academy of Engineering. He is a member of IEEE, IFAC – TC on Robotics and FIRA – Executive Committee. He was also a member of program and organizing committees of several international scientific conferences and program chair of two of them. He is appointed to be the General Chair of the 4th European Conference on Mobile Robots, which will be held in Dubrovnik in September 2009. He is the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal Automatika.
Professor Petrović received "Prof. dr. V. Bedjanič" prize (Ljubljana, 1990) for his master thesis, Silver Plate “Josip Lončar” (FER Zagreb, 1998) for his doctoral thesis and “Rikard Podhorsky” award for outstanding research achievements with industrial applications.