SLOvensko društvo za SImulacijo in Modeliranje
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Simulation News Europe
Eurosim 2007
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Dynamic window based approach to mobile robot motion control in the presence of moving obstacles

Kratka vsebina

In this presentation a motion control method for mobile robots in partially unknown environments populated with moving obstacles will be presented. The proposed method is based on the integration of focused D* search algorithm and dynamic window local obstacle avoidance algorithm with some adaptations that provide efficient avoidance of moving obstacles. The moving obstacles are modeled as moving cells in the occupancy grid map and their motion is predicted by applying a procedure similar to the dynamic window approach. The collision points of the robot predicted trajectory and moving cells predicted trajectories form the new fictive obstacles in the environment, which should be avoided. The algorithms are implemented and experimentally tested on a mobile robot equipped with laser range finder.

Marija Seder received the B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER Zagreb), University of Zagreb, in 2004. The same year she joined the Department of Control and Computer Engineering at FER Zagreb, where she is currently working towards her Ph.D. Her main research interests are: mobile robotics (especially path planning, obstacle avoidance and avoiding of moving obstacles). During her undergraduate and graduate studies she was awarded with two faculty prizes, Vice-chancellor award and with scholarships from the Croatian ministry of science. She published 5 papers in proceedings of international conferences.